Mavra froudia
Mavra froudia (Celles negres) és el títol del disc d'Stelios Petrakis, un dels més reputats intèrprets d'instruments tradicionals de Creta, Efrén López, multiinstrumentista valencià fundador de L'Ham de Foc i col·laborador en nombrosos grups dedicats a la música antiga europea, i el percussionista Bijan Chemirani, nascut en una família de músics i hereu de la gran tradició del zarb persa. Ens proposen un programa de recents composicions originals, basades en ritmes i modes de variada procedència: Creta i altres illes gregues, l'Europa medieval, Turquia i Iran
Stelios Petrakis: lyra i laouto de Creta; Efrén López: laoutos, boulgarí, kopuz, guitarra sense trasts, viola de roda, davul, rabab, tar, santur; Bijan Chemirani: zarb, bendir, daf, ghatam, kanjira, daire
The cd is a musical meeting between three young musicians who compose and perform their music, which is being influenced from various local musical genres of the Mediterranean area, where they all come from. The trio project is based on the musical and personal relationship of the three musicians who have many common things to share, and it’s the first time that they all meet and play. By using musical instruments that belong to various traditional music genres, the influence from all these local idioms is obvious: Music of Crete – Greece, Early music, Music of Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Spain, France.
Stelios Petrakis: lyra i laouto de Creta; Efrén López: laoutos, boulgarí, kopuz, guitarra sense trasts, viola de roda, davul, rabab, tar, santur; Bijan Chemirani: zarb, bendir, daf, ghatam, kanjira, daire
The cd is a musical meeting between three young musicians who compose and perform their music, which is being influenced from various local musical genres of the Mediterranean area, where they all come from. The trio project is based on the musical and personal relationship of the three musicians who have many common things to share, and it’s the first time that they all meet and play. By using musical instruments that belong to various traditional music genres, the influence from all these local idioms is obvious: Music of Crete – Greece, Early music, Music of Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Spain, France.