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The Technical Basics of Oboe Playing

Referència: BK005

25,00 € (24,04 € sense IVA)
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Fonaments tècnics bàsics per oboistesAndreas Mendel 88 pàgines amb enquadernació amb filKONIKOS Verlag Andreas Mendel, març de 2020 (3.a edició)Idioma: alemany i anglèsMida: 30,5 x 23 x 0,7


Més informació

This book is a collection of tried and tested exercises, which will enable you to acquire an effective and comprehensive technique. They are systematically arranged and alternate “flowing” exercises, which train fluency and consistency, with “repeated” exercises, which improve the precision of difficult finger movements. 

The following exercises appear in each key:

1. Scale, possible variations, five-note scale, scale with auxiliary note

2. Thirds (four exercises)

3. Fourths (four exercises)

4. Staccato

5. Arpeggio, with variation

The book will conclude with exercises which target the embouchure and air flow, as well as intonation exercises from Ralf-Jörn Köster and a sound- and legato- exercise from Albrecht Mayer

This study book consists of 84 stitch-bound pages and is a wonderful supplement to daily practice for oboe players of almost every level.


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