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The Technical Basics of Oboe Playing. Minor edition

Referència: BK007

24,00 € (23,08 € sense IVA)
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Minor EditionExercise book: 96 pagesKONIKOS Verlag Andreas Mendellanguage: englischsize: 30,5 x 23 x 0,7


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Minor Edition - Oboe

This book is the second volume of 'The Technical Basics of Oboe Playing'. It contains effective and systematic exercises for scales in minor (mostly harmonic but also melodic minors), and therefore completes the scales exercises for all keys - both major and minor.


As in the first volume, the exercises appear in the following forms:


1. Scales: possible variations, 5-note scale, scale with auxiliary note

2. Thirds: repeated, flowing, with auxiliary note

3. Fourths: repeated, flowing, with auxiliary note

4. Staccato

5. Arpeggios: arpeggios with variations


The 'minor edition' also contains the following exercises:


1. Warm up

2. Exercise for a clean and controlled response (Andrea Glaser)

3. Staccato (by Maurice Bourgue)

4. Arpeggios (by Emanuel Abbühl)


An essay on Vibrato (by Matthias Bäcker) completes this exercise book.


The Minor Edition contains 96 stich-bound pages finished with a laminate cover, making the book robust and long lasting.


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